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Sedinta foto Trash the dress in Poiana Marului - Rux si Mircea
In octombrie 2021, am facut o sedinta foto trash the dress cu Rux si Mircea, a caror nunta o fotografiasem cu o luna si ceva mai devreme. Vorbisem de la inceput cu ei despre o sedinta foto trash the dress, dupa nunta, iar odata ajunsi in luna octombrie am zis sa profitam de toate culorile incredibile din natura si am decis sa facem sedinta foto la munte. Ce locatie mai buna pentru asta decat Poiana Marului, putin mai sus de Zarnesti si la 20 si ceva de kilometri de Brasov […]

Nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods - Rux si Mircea
In Septembrie 2021 am fost alaturi de Rux si Mircea, care si-au facut nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods.In the Woods este cea mai noua locatie deschisa la Treehouse Cosoba, pusa in functiune cu foarte putin timp inainte de nunta lor, si face parte din top locatii de nunta in aer liber langa Bucuresti. E o locatie de nunta minunata in natura, in mijlocul padurii, cu un restaurant semi-deschis, tip hambar, cu o structura cu barne din lemn si un tavan foarte inalt, decorat cu luminite. Daca iti doresti o nunta rustica, in aer liber, Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods e o locatie de nunta perfecta […]

Nunta in natura la Treehouse Cosoba - Alina si Horia
Alina si Horia si-au dorit sa faca o nunta in natura la Treehouse Forest Cosoba si de asemenea si-au dorit un fotograf de nunta din Bucuresti, care sa faca o fotografie de nunta in stil documentar, care pune accent pe cele mai frumoase momente din ziua nuntii, fara a se amesteca in desfasurarea lor […]

Paula's Portrait Session
What was about to become a missed opportunity, fortunately turned into a great little photo session. Despite a massive storm which seemed to be heading our way, Paula insisted to come down anyway, and I am so glad she did because somehow that giant blanket of clouds slowly started turning away and ended up missing us completely! Within an hour the sky was nice and clear, which allowed us to take a lot of fun and beautifully lit photographs […]

Wedding day - Diana & Andi
Fast forward two weeks from the day I photographed Diana and Andi's civil ceremony, their wedding day finally arrived. The wedding took place on the 2nd of June and so with the start of summer started the rest of their life as husband and wife!

Diana & Andi - Civil Ceremony
A selection of some of my favourite images captured at the civil ceremony of Diana and Andi, who I met for the first time at the end of february when they booked me for their wedding and who I was hooked on from the start […]

Ioana & Radu - Portrait session
We just had the first real day of spring this year and I thought it would be a great opportunity to do a couple portrait session which, thanks to the golden light we got in the afternoon, turned out truly beautiful [...]

Photographing Hiba and Shayan on their first visit to Romania
Photographing Hiba and Shayan, a mother and daughter from Beirut, on their first visit to Romania[...]

Portrait Session at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel
A really cool portrait session at the JW Marriott Hotel in Bucharest. After photographing Helena, from the previous post, her sister, Nancy, got in touch saying she would like a portrait session as well [...]